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Saturday, 13 June 2020

The Fall

The Fall 

Slowly, slowly down I slide to the pool I despise,
I reach out to break my fall,
Fighting the Demons that haunt me,
Pushing, pushing willing me in,
Lost souls wait for me within,
I am not that strong, I am weak, I lost my grip,
In I fall, frantic, cannot breathe,
Struggling, grasping, seeking, Searching for a foothold to save me,
Save me from the souls that lovingly caress me,
Down and down into the deep I sink,
Given up, down I go, out of reach,
Another emotional suicide too weak to speak, 
Too proud to be deemed weak,
Down and down I go, I sink,
Peaceful and calm I drift, carried by the current,
Caressed by others,
Drowning, drowning free to go,
Haunted no more, I think, I blink not been here before,
Beating, beating in my chest it’s not my time to let go yet,
Swimming hard and fast I break the surface and gasp, breathing deep,
Demons pulling, I lash out, Grabbing, grabbing get me out,
Screaming shouting all about,
Ray of hope I reach out and grabbed the edge that I felt, I got out,
Sitting and starring in, Contemplating my fate of where I had just been,
Time to face the facts, Time to react, Time to talk,
Sitting on the edge and starring in.

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