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Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Tear Stained Scars

Tear Stained Scars 

Tear stained scars portray my past, 
Lessons learnt from a failed romance, 
Broken hearted a rhythm dance, 
Fluttering beats from the defeat, 
Rejection flowing within these veins, 
As walls start to build, 
A fortress to protect myself, 
To ease my pain, 
Long periods in the dark, 
Left in a place called yesterday, 
To live my remaining days another way, 
Looking to the sky, 
Blue in my eyes, 
As cotton wool clouds past, 
Soaring high, 
In a breeze, 
A way to feel free, 
Dreaming of what could be, 
If I could have faith and believe, 
To believe in me. 

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