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Thursday 11 June 2020

Pen and Ink

Pen and Ink

To pen the words of emotions felt,
Sometimes is hard to do,
To express freely how you feel,
Can make the reality real,
To express your inner feelings,
With that lump in your throat,
With the pain in your heart,
Can delay you in the start,
Sitting looking at a blank piece of paper,
Thinking of the words you wish to write,
May be write it later, 
The pen asleep on its side, 
Over and over in the mind you think of what you would like to say,
To commit words in ink to a blank page,
Is proof of how you might feel,
Perhaps it would be better if written invisible,
To safe guard what others may think?
Of pain and heart break of deceit and betrayal,
History of yesterday of how you made me feel,
Pen in hand the writing begins,
It’s real,
This message is for you,

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