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Thursday, 18 June 2020

Once Upon aTime

Once Upon A Time 
Once upon a time a Fairy Tale got broken, 
Ruined by betrayal and destruction, 
Tale of a broken heart, 
A lost soul walks alone on a path, 
What ever happened to Fairy Tales? 
Are they ever real, 
I believe in Fairy Tales, Do you? 
A Prince saves a Princess a damson in distress, 
But who saves a Prince if the roles are reversed, 
In times of emotional struggle not knowing who is friend or foe, 
Not knowing what to do or where to go, 
Perhaps one day I will meet you and a Fairy Tale will unfold,  
You could be a Princess, 
I could be a Prince, I
n time you could be my Queen and I would be a King, 
I believe in Fairy Tales, 
A true loves kiss, 
A love potion to last, 
Drunk from a heart shaped glass, 
Cupid’s arrow shot from a distant space, 
Hit home in a hollow chest, 
A beauty spies a beast, 
Would she take a risk? 
To how gentle he could be, 
Enchanted by a smile or a spoken word, 
Not to judge a cover until the book is read,  
Once upon a time in a land far away a Princess kissed a frog and a Prince was saved, 
I believe in Fairy Tales, Fairy, Fairy Tales, 
Do you? 

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