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Thursday, 18 June 2020

My Words

My Words 

Don’t want to use another man’s lyrics to express the way I feel, 
Learning from the lessons in life, 
That last lesson was too real, 
Choking in the reality, 
As you pulled the heart from my chest, 
Leaving me in a bloody mess, 
Broken hearted the day I departed not knowing what to do, 
Broken oaths and broken vows meant nothing to you, 
Treating me like a fool, 
Growing in time through the pain, 
Learning to dance in the rain, 
Dying from a broken heart,  
After a life has been torn apart, 
Coming to terms in the end, 
At a marriages end, 
Picking up the pieces to put together again, 
The life that remains, 
Believing in hope, 
Learning to cope, 
As I start over again. 

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