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Thursday, 18 June 2020

Feelings out of Control

Feelings out of Control 
Way up high, 
Way down low, 
That is the way my feelings go, 
Reaching out trying to hold on, 
Trying to learn to let you go, 
Words of love, 
Words of hate, 
They come out in the debate, 
Crimson eyes I cannot hide, 
As tears gently roll down my face, 
Walking on, 
To remain strong, 
What once was has been and gone,  
Hour by hour, 
Day by day, 
Walking forward in the haze, 
Feeling lost, 
Feeling worthless, 
Trying to find life’s purpose, 
It is what it is, 
Just have to learn, 
To comes to terms with being alone, 
Moving forward step by step, 
Learning to start over.  

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