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Thursday, 31 December 2020

#HappyNewYear MESSAGE

Standing on a threshold of #ANew Year,
An ending, #goodbye
#anew #fresh beginning,
New Year resolutions,
Hopes and dreams,
Follow the angelic #arrows pointing  the way,
Don't take life as granted,
Live life everyday for the day,
Don't be taken for granted,
#terminate the negative thoughts,
Kill the pain,
Do what makes you happy,
Laugh and grow,
When times get tough trust to hope and faith to see you through,
Some situations are out of your control,
Always remember a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down,
Those that truly love you and respect you will be there for you,
Good luck and good fortune be with you all,

Wednesday, 30 December 2020


The confusion endured,
As the mind was in conflict with the heart,
The mind trying to dissuade the heart from falling in love,
The heart beat of emotion of a rhythm,
Morse code encouraging a the mind that his thoughts were unfounded,
 A secret key to let down the guard,
Let dreams of romance and love be the thoughts,
Of a fairy tale of a cupids arrow that has sunk deep.... 

Monday, 28 December 2020

Hart Song

      Dreams of love,
      Mortal to the time we have,
      Divine feelings,
      Desire a wanting,
      That longing,
      Energy of the spark,
      That makes a Hart sing, 
      Universal plan with cupid at hand,
      An arrow to a Hart,
      A wound so deep,
      In nature a retreat,
      Mother Nature healing power,
      To heal the weak,
      Letting them stand their ground......

Standing Alone

Bull Elephant

3am thoughts,
In the dark of the night,
Opening the mind.
To the visions the #dreams,
The thoughts in between are the #worst,
Learning from lessons,
Standing alone,
Individual character,
Not many can master,
Rebuilding from a solid base,
No pillars of sand,
Standing tall and proud,
It is funny how life can turn things around,
I guess that is the meaning of KARMA, 

Sunday, 27 December 2020

Pepper or two


 Christmas over,
 Over indulged,
 Now for some veg,


Thursday, 24 December 2020


I hope the weather is kind tonight,
To be guided by a lunar light,
Rudolf will lead the sleigh,
To show the reindeers the way,
The elves have stacked the sleigh,
Now I will be on my way,
Delivering gifts around the world,
To all the boys and girls,
A mince pie would be great,
Or a little bit of  Christmas cake,
Leave it by the grate,
Maybe a brandy to,
To help me on my Merry Way,
I will try not to be late,
But please do not stay up late,
If you see please do not tell,
It will be our secret  Happy Noel x ......



The Eve

The Eve before the special day,
The day before the event,
Preparations in the kitchen,
Last minute wrapping,
A little tipple to reduce the stress,
Christmas tunes through out the house,
A glowing fire with tender warmth,
Christmas lights twinkling,
The aroma of spice and pine floats about,
The excitement all round,
This is what Christmas is about, 

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Gallimaufry of the Heart

Re-occurring thoughts,
Images and visions repeated,
Never ending cycle,
Played out within the mind,
Raining thoughts from the brain,
The clogs doing overtime,
Powering the #windmills in my mind,
With #vermillion blood vessels pumping to the rhythm of a heart beat,
Creating confusion,
A magnificent #gallimaufry of childhood dreams,
Melting chocolate hearts left,
In the play ground,
Chiseled initials in an ancient tree,  
A reminder of a teenage love,
What needed to be said in a medley of words,
Scent of potpourri unsettling an unconfident soul,
The hodgepodge verse turned into a hash,
A long time ago,
Confused back then the meaning of love,
Not confused today as one grows old.......

Christmas Spirit

Dancing Spirit 


A dancing spirit the festival season brings,
Hunting the #quarry of the night,
On a #winters night,
#radient glow with #jinglebells a warming sight,
With seasons greetings a Xmas card brings,
Children's laughter echoing aloud,
Christmas trees with Christmas lights,
Illuminations switched on during the night,
Choirs sing carols under a lanterns beam,
A tradition its just one of those things,
Roasted chestnuts and mulled wine,
A mince pie is just Devine,
Christmas songs playing on the air,
Christmas past and Christmas present memories combined,
A special time for all to share,
With all the challenges this year has brought into the future with faith and hope,

Tuesday, 22 December 2020



   Romeo held a #portrait of Juliet in his mind,
   A vision of his dreams repeated every night,
   Serenading his beauty from within his sleep,
   Of an innocent maiden with a #radiant glow,
   An obsession he could not let go,
   For cupids arrow had hit its mark,
   Landed deep within his heart,
   For a passion that fueled his soul,
   That is how the story goes......

Monday, 21 December 2020

Star of Wonder 21/12/20

Planets align in the sky tonight,
On the shortest day,
The winter solstice,
A rarity to shine a Christmas light,
The star so bright in the darkness of night,
A guiding light,
Jupiter and Saturn in an orbital dance,
A celestial event of the Star of Wonder,
In the galaxy called the Milky Way,

Dancing Flame

Dancing Flames

 A burning passion,
 Dancing flame,
 An #original love,
 Aired desire,
 Burning torment to hold,
 To watch love burning,
 Cupid's arrow held,
 Dancing flames entwined,
 Interweaving and twisting together, 
 A midnight dream,
 Fueled by lust...


Sunday, 20 December 2020

Dream the Dream

Dreaming a dream,
A dream within the dream,
Dreaming of the dream,
The dream in the dream,
A dream to find the key of a labyrinth,
An enigma's maze, 
Swirls of thoughts,
Blended in a haze of misery,
Hypnotised by circles,
Vision clearly not,
The vision of illusion,
Reality sought,
Journey of clarity to find the dream that comes true,
To fall in love with that someone who shares the dream with you..

Dream Art

Friday, 18 December 2020

Peek a Boo

 Love to play hide seek,
 Hiding between the leaves,
 #nature in a rainforest,
 A young one playing Peek a Boo,
 #lovely face to say hello,
 In a beautiful place,
 Protected by the trees....

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Key Hole

Held the key to the door,
Spied a key hole to spy through,
A key to open the way to another day,
To #release the captive,
To be free,
Knees trembling,
New opportunity,
New way,
Grass looks greener on the other side,
But it looks hazy,
Leap of faith to take a chance,
To cross a boundary,
To the unknown,
Taking the dreams,
Visions seen,
No looking back,
A new path unfolds,
Adventure new,
Stepping through....


Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Migrating Words

Migrating words, 
Trivial things to some,
An expression of a silent voice,
#infernal burning in green eyes,
A flame of a desire to be heard,
Burden on the shoulders last,
#invisible message hidden in a post,
Silent squeak from a tweet,
To travel around the World,
To travel the direction of a compass point,
Poets dream that a passage written will last the test of time to #join the elite, to be a #King
What value are Wordsworth if a reader is blind.....

Tuesday, 15 December 2020


Gazed in the eyes of Medusa,
#harvest the lesson well,
#heart burnt,
Listened to the #lies betrayed by  the look,
Stone cold become,
Sentry to the heart,
Protection from cupids arrows,
A cairn boundary marker to the heart,
Memorial to what was,
Made of granite,
Protected by stone,
What has one become....

Path of Life

Walked through the valley,
In the sun and the rain,
Played the part like an actor on the stage,
Climbed to the highest point ever been,
Felt like a King or a Queen,
Laughed and cried until the tears ran dry,
Laid on the floor felt unseen,
Questioning why,
The life built on pillars of sand,
Picked oneself up and started again,
Stopped at the crossroads,
A direction to take,
The path of life,
Lessons to be learned,
Some say it is fate, 
Destiny told,
For what is meant to be will be,
Lessons learnt over the years,
To guide you forward in the unknown.....

Monday, 14 December 2020

Cunning, Colours Seen

#Cunning invisibility,
Lost in a crowd,
Once was,
Hidden behind a mask,
Face unseen, 
Is this only a dream,
A crowd a thing of the past,
No mass gatherings,
Distance separating,
Space between,
Easily seen,
In body mass,
Colours seen,


Saturday, 12 December 2020

Eye Drops

Eye Drops

 Eye drops when we cry,
 We all know the reasons why,
 Drop lost associated with love or pain,
 Joy or sorrow,
 The drops will rain,
 Heart felt emotion of a time or place,
 Human medication to lessen the pain,
 That feeling you cannot explain,
 Cheek stained heart scars of tears of old,
 Reminders of the memories they hold,


Friday, 11 December 2020

#Golden Grains of Sand

Grains of Sand

Watching the #golden grains of sand raining down,
Forming a heap and sliding down,
Repeating cycle,  
The hourglass in the hand,
Twenty-four hours a day it is turned,
Trying to count the #golden grains,
Falling like rain,
Loosing count again,
Day dreaming of the beach,
Where time is lost easily,
Thinking on thoughts,
Of what they mean,
Footprints washed away,
Like memories as they fade,
The love of yesterday.........

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Not A Dream

It was not a dream he held her in his arms,
A forever repeating memory for he was damned,
Eternal love the fortune teller foretold,
A burnt soul,
Karma's work is now in hand,
The destiny sown,
Forever repeating visions come hand in hand with love,
A repeating cycle on the path of life,
For many soul mates will appear,
Also there are many types of love.........

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Dog Eared

Beagle -Eyed-Dog-Eared

  I heard a call from afar,
 Thought I heard my name,
 Sounded like a voice I once new,
 Hope this is not a game,
 After all I am only an old dog-eared-dog,
 Who has lost his way,
 Lost on the paths of life,
 I went the wrong way,
 Now I am just a stray,
 Surviving day by day,
 With puppy eyes may be ....one day I will find love...

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Draft Day

Today was day on a draft run,
Today was a day all about fun,
To test the day in a present mode,
To test a template,
To be bold,
A dry run on ice,
To test a day for life,
Twodays tomorrow will become one,
Knowing now what will come...

Monday, 7 December 2020

Lessons in the Rain

Walked the streets in the rain,
Fed the puddles with the pain,
Tear stained scars on rosy cheeks,
Give the game away,
Romeo and Juliet,
Love tale gone cold,
That's how the story will be told,
Listening to the love songs,
As the rivers flow, 
Is how the lessons are learnt,
It will never be the same again,
For drowning in the lakes,
Is how survival is taught....

Diamonds in the Sky

Diamonds in the sky,
Way up high,
Twinkling in the dark,
Sat on a rock,
A guy down on his luck,
Waiting for a sign,
A shooting star,
For a wish to be told,
Under a full lunar light,
On a winters night....

Thoughts of the Night

Thoughts of the night,
Keep me awake to the light,
When day light breaks it is back to routine,
To anaylse the thoughts of the dreams,
What do they mean,
Is it deja vu,
For thoughts are of you,
Is it meant to be,
Time will,
Wait and see.....

A Breathing Voice

Words spoken from a breathing voice,
Whispering intentions to be heard,
Messages carried upon the wind,
Spirit signs not left to chance,
Fortune told of things to come,
Star alignment for destiny's course,
From what ends,
A new begins....


Today will become tomorrow,
This day will become yesterday,
The will be the present,
In which way you view it,
Every day is a gift, 


Letters from the alphabet,
To form words in the mind,
Created from visions,
Dreams of a kind,
Sentences created,
Penned and scribed,
Messages to be read,
When a voice cannot be heard,

Sunday, 6 December 2020

Message for you All

Dear All,
An unprecedented year, 2020 has been challenging worldwide for us all. Thoughts are with the families who have suffered a loss.
Circumstances changing out of one's control.
Always remember to be kind, respect the opinions of others.
In what ever culture you celebrate your Christmas have a wonderful time.
Always remember the present DAY is a gift. X 


A guitar strumming in the park,
Words that touch the chords of the heart,
A rhythm that changes a heart beat,
Means so much,
Memories of yesterday,
What once was,
Can never be again,
Of a flowing course,
What is meant to be,
Will be,
From young to old,
Lessons learnt along the way,
That is history, 
For that was yesterday.....

The Messenger

They are near when a Robin appears,
Visiting time,
A sign so dear,
Shedding tears,
A warming glow to stir the soul,
Missing them so,
Memories of the special times,
Priceless they are,
For you loved them so,
A gift of nature,
Come at a time you needed it so,
A symbol of hope and faith,
Walking on,
On the path of life..... 

Friday, 4 December 2020

When The Stars Come Out

A Star was born in the dead of the night,
Replacing a Star that died that night,
Star bright it was a sight,
Lighting the Galaxy with a luminated light,
Singing in the Universe,
In a vibrating sound,
I am here,
When the Stars come out to join the show,
Constellations formed by the groups,
Twinkling in the night,
A shooting Star steals the show,
Keen to be in the limelight,
A wish cast by those below,
In the dark of the night,
With a lunar light in the chorus,
Lighting the stage below,
Before the night turns to day,

Thursday, 3 December 2020

The Tower

A foggy image of the past, 
Topped by a false Crown that did not last,
Solid structure built on pillars of sand,
An empty shell left burnt and ruined,
A tower experience which will not be forgotten,
Enlightened on the path of Life,
A spiritual awakening on a Ley Line,
Beginning life again....

Wednesday, 2 December 2020


A photo captured in the past,
The place the time the memory stays,
Framed in time of long ago,

Monday, 30 November 2020

A drifting Pen

A pen glided over the surface this day,
Leaving a message as it went,
Of what was is no longer,
It can never been the same again,
Washed away as the water of life flowed,
Erasing her presence over time,
To leave an empty place,
In my eyes where the rivers still flow,

Friday, 27 November 2020


Sat looking out of a window,
The pane is clear,
As rain streams down the glass,
Following tear stained scars,
Sad songs playing on the jukebox,
Memories of the past,
Sipping the coffee from a lipstick stained mug,
That was her yesterday,
For a rainbow came to end the storm,
The sun then came her way.....

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Self Love Transient

Staying within a circle of happiness,
Caring for ones needs,
Not sacrificing your wellbeing,
Deserving the best not settling for less,
Not comparing with others out there,
In a transient time of being alone,
On a journey of personal growth on this path called life,
Having trust in yourself and letting go of those who tarnish your soul,
Actors on a stage playing your part,
As the drama unfolds,

Wednesday, 25 November 2020


With a bulldog attitude to find the courage to stand your ground,
Learning to be brave when others fade all around,
To have a mindset to be responsible for oneself,
Maybe a little stubborn when things get tough,
Sweet and gentle when you need to be,
Strong in character never giving up, 
A bulldog you must be,

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Butterfly Effect

A day of chaos all about,
That little change could help sort it out,
May have an impact in time to come,
This is a theory spoken about,
A butterfly's flaps it's wings causing a reaction with the wind,
In time to come who can tell what that outcome will be....

Monday, 23 November 2020

Night Owl

I hear you screeching in the middle of the night,
Your in my dreams,
They are my dreams,
Lit by a lunar light,
What does it me,
Descending from a high,
Bearing down on me,
Talons poised to entrap me,
Beating wings stir me from my sleep,
Now I am free,

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Ream of Paper

Ream of paper,
To write ones dream's.
Manifested in this way,
In the early hours of the day,
In the am's,
Now you cannot sleep,
The mind is active,
Waiting for the dawn to break,
To capture the vision on your mind,
What does it mean,
Is it fate,
To dream this way....

Hiding in the Shadows

Can you see them in the dark,
Hiding in the shadows,
Memories of the past,
Distant voices,
Memorized words,
Scarred upon the heart,
Broken dreams,
Washed away in the rivers,
Yesterdays dreams,
Ghosts of the past....

Friday, 20 November 2020

Touching Emotions ♭♯♭

 Touching Emotions 

Walking the boulevard of broken dreams, Going through seven degrees of separation, 
I am a mess but I don’t want to get drunk again, I can’t let it go or hold back the river, 
Can’t imagine a world without you, Trying to lose you on the flume, 
Scars need to heal, Feeling incomplete, 
Wearing my best fake smile, Trying to get out while you can, 
Good riddance to me, Nice guys come last, 
I don’t want another love, Grow old with me, 
I will battle, I will chase rubies because I care, 
You can’t hideaway, Won’t allow a beautiful mistake, 
Let’s go back to when we were on fire and let the clocks go forward, 
I hear your heart, I see the sparks as I wait in line, I need the sun to break so I can see all of me, 
Angels contemplate my fate, You and I are just ordinary people, 
Everybody knows I can change so lay me down, You are safe with me, It’s not all about sex, 
You are a grade eight, One photograph of Tenerife Sea,
 So wake me up to make you feel my love, Everything you are I love, 
I’ve been to the city and sang with Ed, This is it, So give me love and kiss me, 
Don’t look back in anger I can fix you, Stop crying your eyes out for your heart will go on, 
Little by little build a wonder wall, So say something before we collide for I am feeling incomplete, 
Not looking for a perfect replacement, I want go quietly, 
Let’s build a Lego house together for I will stand by you, 
I want to be your hero so take me to church so I can pray for two lives, 
So we can sing again. ♭♯♭

Thursday, 19 November 2020

The Poem

With thoughts in mind,
To find the time,
In pen or ink,
Words captured in lines,
Rhyming metaphor of beautiful things,
Love, joy, pain and heartbreak,
Words to last an age,
A candle Burn's with delight,
Are these Words-worth reading in the dead of the night,
To be a Bard and recite the words of THE POEM....

Wednesday, 18 November 2020


The fortune teller asked her,
What are you seeking my dear,
Answers she replied,
You cannot change the past go along on your path was the reply,
Take note of your dreams and manifest your life,
I am afraid and alone,
Have faith and hope and doors will open for you,

Tuesday, 17 November 2020


His shadow hid in the darkness of the night,
Camouflaged out of sight,
Not to betray his ghostly form,
As he maneuvered to his delight,
A spirit trapped in time by the memories on his mind.... 

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Dying Roses

The pain inside the chest,
The heart that cannot rest,
An aching desire,
A yearning fueled by desire,
A conflict between the mind and the heart,
The soul that takes control,
The body that walks away,
From the path of yesterday,
For hope and faith that fated destiny will show the way,
If its not meant to be,
Its not meant to be,
To come to terms with the pass,
With the memories that last,
Those broken words,
Broken dreams,
The dying roses,
Freedom and slavery combined in the present today...

Friday, 13 November 2020


Tempest conjured, 
Storm growing to attack an enemy,
White horses raging,
To the boundaries crossed,
Waves crashing on the rocks,
A trident in hand,
Whales breaching in salute,
Poseidon God of the sea I am...

Thursday, 12 November 2020

The Week Day Fool

The Fool, Jester of the pack,
If you love him he will love you back,
On a new journey on the paths of life,
New beginnings with hope and faith,
Open minded let the universe decide,
Not a care in the world with a curious mind...

Wednesday, 11 November 2020


The land fell silent on the 11th hour,
A day in the past,
Grey clouds gracefully passed overhead,
Lest we Forget the fallen ones,
On the 11th day,
A poppy displayed on a breast,
Standing in silence as the bells tolled,
With a stirring breeze to shake the soul,
Emotions shown,
A sound of a bugler,
The Last Post called,
Echoing over War Graves,
A memory to us all......

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

An Eye's View

The window of the mind was open,
Processing the visual information presented,
Open minded to deciphering,
Colours, movement, actions, reactions light and darkness,
The eyes see actions the mind dictates actions,
Individual character with empathy and compassion controls restraint....

Monday, 9 November 2020


When you are being like treated like a mushroom,
Kept in the dark,
Fed manure,
True colours can show,
Red is for danger,
A warning sign,

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Rain Walking

Why are you walking in the rain little one?

So no one sees you crying?

Why are you in so much pain?

Can you not find the words to explain?

Do you think nobody will understand?

Why are you so lost?

Is it because of betrayal of trust by the one you


Little one listen to me,

If you loved one so, they chose to let you go and

you are hurting so then your love was real,

If you feel this pain never love them again,

To break a trust of a love so true never provide a

bridge to connect to you,

If the grass was greener on the other side then

that is where they must reside,

So walk in the rain until the sun returns,

Learn to live again,

For one day love will return to you,

For someone will see the beauty in you,

When tears stop to drop,

River beds will show,

Tear stained scars will heal where rivers use to

flow fed from your eyes where they were shed,

Saturday, 7 November 2020

Poppy Heads

When the colour has gone,
The red has shed,
A pod is all that is left,
A remembrance of a symbol for a soul,
The memory that has been left,
A sacrifice made for you,
On a land where the larks will sing,
From dawn to dusk,
Haunting sound of the Last Post,
Sounded in memory to honour you. 


Sometimes you have to face danger to be free,
To reach heights of ecstasy,
Flying like a bird in the sky,
Looking down on the landscape from a high,
To migrate far and wide,

Never Forget Brothers in Arms

No greater love has no one than this,
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends: John:15:13
Brother in Arms I here your song, Let no one be left behind, Never forget the sacrifice made, 11:11

Friday, 6 November 2020


Gypsy King she said,
Cross my palm with silver,
To get your fortune read,
Crystal ball, Tarot Card or maybe a Palm Reading I can do,
To read your fortune,
Your destiny to you,
Is it love or wealth you seek,
Or would you be content with happiness,
Is that what you seek,
The law of attraction a Magician at work,
Manifesting your destiny as we speak....... 

Broken Parts

Piece by piece,
Glued together to make a whole,
Keeping old flames out of reach
Danger of fire,
Every piece a story to tell,
Now whole,
With scars to show,

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Dream Visions

She said to him,
Do you know what you are to me,
No? he said,
You are my everything,
My world, the Moon and the Stars,
You make me happy and complete,
My dreams come true......
He woke from his dream at 3am,
Haunted by his dream,
Unable to sleep,
Where was this woman of his dreams to make his life complete.....


Broken promises,
Broken dreams,
A pride on fire,
A broken heart,
Betrayed by love in the dark,
But it's ok  he said for I am awake, 
Not worthy of  his love you are to him,
You set him free,
To find love that he deserves,
One day his dreams will come true,
For he may discover you,
For paths will cross if it is meant to be,
With a pen in hand he will plot his course,
A gypsy King with his dreams,
On this journey through the stars too his destiny.....

Sunset Dreams

Standing on a beach feet buried in the golden sand,
Holding hands in the dimming glow,
With flowing hair dancing in the breeze,
Watching the waves rolling in,
Two hearts in rhythm, 
#Patience rewarded as she said I love you,
#Patience is a virtue he thought,
As he looked in her eyes and said.... I LOVE YOU TO,
He took her in his arms and tenderly kissed her as the sun went down.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020



Searching for freedom in the skies,
Danger at height as now not grounded,
Liberated and free as a bird,
To fly on a breeze in the sky,
Migrating to a new dimension,
To reach a new destination,
In ones mind.....

Tuesday, 3 November 2020


He sat on a bench,
Starring at the sea,
A ritual practiced regularly,
Gathering his thoughts and finding peace,
Listening to the waves crashing at his feet,
The sea wind blowing,
Gulls soaring high,
Counting the clouds that float in the sky,
Thoughts drifting between day dreams,
As time disappears with the movement of hands,
Years pass by,
Yet the memories last.......

Sunday, 1 November 2020

 When the wind blows,

I will be gone,
A memory is all that will be left,
A yellow flower that changes to a ball of white,
A kids game making a wish,
Chasing seeds in the wind,
As they fly away,
Leaving an empty stem,
Memories of yesterday

Friday, 30 October 2020

Poppy Fields of Red


Running in the poppy fields of red,
Innocent of the history it represents,
The blood that has been shed, Playing games with stirring petals, A memory to the dead, Eating poppy heads getting high on the seeds, Laying in a field and gazing at the sky, Day dreaming, Questioning why.

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Yellow Roses

Beautiful in your prime,
Gracefully aging over time,
A memory of a vibrant look,
Will always stay in my mind,
A symbolism of love,
Given in kind...

Monday, 26 October 2020


The eyes are the windows to the mind,
Vision seekers to process visual details,
To feed the brain with images,
They show fear, hate, anger, love and sadness.
The eyes can communicate  louder then words when required,

Saturday, 24 October 2020


Don't be such a boar he heard her say,
Just because she did not get her own way,
He called her a sow as he walked away,
Then hid in the tree for the day,

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Poppy fields of Red,

Poppy fields of red,
Hope for peace ahead,
Landscapes turned from ruin, Germinated by seeds that were shed, In Flanders Fields a poet wrote, Where poppies grow and larks sing, from dawn to dusk, Never forgotten to those that loved, In remembrance we trust..

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

The Scent of a Flower

Attracted to you by your beauty and grace,
Floral scent to lure those to their fate,
Feminine appearance of sweetness and affection,
Aphrodite of love and beauty....

Monday, 19 October 2020

Mushroom Cloud

An island in a sea of ivy,
A mushroom growing high,
Spreading out over,
Like a mushroom cloud in the sky,
Just a stalk connecting it to the ground,


Flyer I am, 
With my go faster stripes,
Humming wings,
That sing with the wind,
A pilot of the sky,
With my Aviators on,
To protect my eyes,
A fighter with a sting,
Top Gun Maverick,
I have become ...... 

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...